
The latest in Sport Psychiatry News and Updates

Launch of Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychiatry

Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:47 PM2022 will see the launch of a specialist sports psychiatry journal under the leadership of the Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SSSPP). The editorial board will comprise clinicians and scientists...

IOC launch ‘Mental Health in Elite Athletes Toolkit’

Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:47 PMAn IOC Mental Health in Elite Athletes Toolkit has been launched to assist in implementing initiatives for the protection and promotion of mental health and well-being among elite athletes.  The Toolkit has been developed for use by...

The ISSP Spring Scientific Symposium – Roundup

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:43 AMThe ISSP spring scientific symposium was hosted by our good friends at Zoom on Saturday May 1st (early Sunday morning of May 2nd for our Australian colleagues). The first hour was devoted to psychiatric aspects of concussion and mild...

IOC launch ‘Mental Health in Elite Athletes Toolkit’

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:47 AMAn IOC Mental Health in Elite Athletes Toolkit has been launched to assist in implementing initiatives for the protection and promotion of mental health and well-being among elite athletes.  The Toolkit has been developed for use by...

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